Website Design Process


1. Website Discovery

We meet up to discover what your business is all about, learn about your goals and find out how a new website can meet those goals.

2. Site Map

A site-map organises all your information and content into a hierarchical and meaningful structure allowing user to find what they need and easy for website owners to deliver their content.


3. Wire-frames, Prototype & Style Guide

This gives us a good birds eye view of the websites direction. The wire-frames and prototype help communicate the functionality, usability and outline the content of the website and integrate this into a working document ready for your feedback.

4. User Interface / Visual Design

During this phase we add the colour, typography, user elements such as buttons etc and design the final layouts ready for your feedback.


5. Build, Code & Develop

During this phase we spin up our coding and work tools and turn your visual layouts and prototype into a beautifully functioning website. We won’t bore you with the details but basically we go into geek mode and spend a lot of time indoors.

6. Content & Launch

Finally we work with you to input the content. Once we are ready for launch we work through our 50+ point checklist and then launch it into the inter-webs so the rest of the world can visit on computers, tablets and smart-phones. Celebrate!!


Do you want to work with us?

We try to do things a little differently. Instead of just asking for your requirements, we work with you to create something that’s going to have an impact on your business.

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