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Opinion Piece

Emoticon smile on a yellow background. Customer feedback.

Dealing with Negative Comments

Why dealing with negative comments can be good. If you’ve ever created or published anything and put yourself out there you will have opened yourself up to thought, opinion and engagement. Some of those thoughts and opinions may be different to your own, and people may have different expectations and experiences from your services, products…
Cardboard cutout image depicting an email about to be sent

Every business needs domain based email.

It goes without saying that every business needs a domain name. A domain name is a must have for any and every business whether or not you have a website. For more information about a domain name and what to look for in a domain name, check out our blog post, – Choosing a Domain…

Raise your hand if you have ever felt personally hassled by a creative block.

Creative thinking isn’t just for writers, artists and musicians in the modern workplace, creative thinking is a valued skill that is used every day and with creative thinking comes creative blocks. If you are a creative professional then you know how painful creative blocks can be. Not only because they get in the way of…