M A Orchards
Website Design
M A Orchards are New Zealand based organic Honeycrisp apple growers who export to the North American market. With its crunch and balance of sweetness and acidity, Honeycrisp apples need a colder climate to develop their texture and flavour. This makes Timaru an ideal location.
M A Orchards operate 5 separate apple orchards across the Timaru area, which is a huge operation – especially in their busy growing/harvesting season from November through to May.
The Numbers:
Honeycrisp trees planted
Hectares of land.
Separate apple orchards in the wider Timaru area
Seasonal workers are needed each year.
The Website:
We worked with M A Orchards to create a new website, with the main goal of creating a better user experience for general users as well as people applying for jobs on the site.
- For the general user, we included pages about the company, organic growing, and the history of Honeycrisp variety apples.
- For job seekers, there are a wealth of resources to help make the website a one-stop shop: explanations of each type of job on the orchard, visa information, Timaru accommodation, NZ work requirements, etc.
- For visual attraction and to help those who speak English as a second language, there are more than a hundred colourful photos that display working life and the range of processes on the orchard. M A Orchards employs workers from more than 40 countries worldwide!

To best help M A Orchards hire their 400+ seasonal workers and to make the process as seamless as possible, we included a click-through application form. This online form contains all the required information fields that are needed, plus links to NZ visa requirements. As a time-saving measure and to prevent half-completed applications being submitted, the form will not let applicants proceed unless they have filled in all relevant fields.
We enjoyed working with M A Orchards on this website build and think it is a great asset to their business.
Do you want to work with us?
We try to do things a little differently. Instead of just asking for your requirements, we work with you to create something that’s going to have an impact on your business.