Thriving Together
Website UI Design
Yellow Design was approached by Timaru District Council to develop a website layout for their Long Term Plan (LTP) – the desired outcome was to showcase a mass of content about complex issues in a simple to digest manner.
A key purpose of the website was to gather public submissions about five key issues facing the region, as outlined in the LTP. In terms of the website layout – we wanted to ensure all users could easily navigate between the issues and read the content in clear and concise sections. A simple link and arrow was clearly placed on each page so that the user could easily navigate to the next issue.
An Options Table
Each key issue had 3-4 suggested options on how to best proceed. It was these options that the council requested submissions and feedback on from the community. To visually communicate these options we designed an options table included at the bottom of each issue section. The table summarised the options and was a useful reference point for users.
Public Submissions Form
The LTP public submissions form allowed users to submit their feedback on the issue. This form needed to be simple, user friendly and easy to navigate as there were several issues a user could comment and submit on. This was achieved by creating a simple navigation within the form allowing users to comment on each of the different key issues before completely submitting the form.
The Council also utilised local photography which enhanced the page layouts making the volume of content seem less overwhelming. The images also helped to provide a visual reference to support the text outlining the key issues for discussion.
Colour references throughout the website all tied back to the original branding guidelines of the thriving together visual identity. And speaking of branding guidelines, discover what are branding guidelines and why you should be sticking to them here.
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