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Website Care

Does Your Website Have Purpose? Understanding the Importance of Website Types

In today’s digital age, where online presence is key to success, your website serves as the virtual storefront of your business. Did you know that a staggering 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience? This emphasises the importance of having a purpose-driven website that not only…
How is my Website Performing?

How is my website performing?

Do you have a website or an eCommerce storefront for your business, but are not seeing the results you envisioned originally when you launched your online presence? Are you struggling to understand why you are not generating leads or sales? Understanding the significance of a website’s performance is essential whether you are promoting an idea or selling…
Cardboard cutout image depicting an email about to be sent

Every business needs domain based email.

It goes without saying that every business needs a domain name. A domain name is a must have for any and every business whether or not you have a website. For more information about a domain name and what to look for in a domain name, check out our blog post, – Choosing a Domain…
The words 7 ways to build authenticity and credibility in your website imposed over an image with a laptop and website.

7 ways to build authenticity and credibility in your website

Build trust with your audience to get more enquiries. Having trust in any relationship is hugely important and a business relationship is no different. Your website, being the extension or the shopfront to which you present to the world your business services and products is the platform where you start building credibility and trust. Building…

How Can I Make My Website More Effective?

Remember when the lockdowns happened? At the time, this forced a lot of business to look at their website and view it as a bigger asset than maybe they did previously. The ability to continue to sell and operate online became vitally important for every business. You might be asking yourself, is my website working…

Why Website Maintenance is Key to a Successful Website.

A website is similar to your car, in that you want it to just work whenever you need, a website even more so needs to be up and running 24/7, and working when you are not. In your car you regularly keep the tank full of gas, check and change the oil, check fluid levels,…