Creating a Company Culture on Facebook

Creating a Company Culture on Facebook

Developing a company culture online is an essential tool for your business. It engages your staff to take visible pride in the work they are achieving as a team, while showcasing the talents and professionalism of your company.

Developing an online company culture will help your business grow and be more appealing to people viewing the interactions of your staff. This means that your employees will be inadvertently marketing your business. Liking, sharing and commenting on posts keeps your company at the forefront of peoples minds and maybe the next time they need the services you provide they will come to your business.

Developing an online company culture.

Encourage all of your staff to like your social media accounts, plus here a some further helpful tips to get your started.

Have an active Facebook plan.

A note pad with a list written on it and pen.
  • Make it simple – Ask yourself what do I want to share with my customers/clients?
  • Make it easy – Your first facebook plan should be relatively easy. There is no point creating a big plan with lots of fantastic ideas if it never gets implemented.
  • Focus on one main idea – Post once a week and see if you can actually maintain that before trying to commit to one everyday.
  • Read the post on Social Media Guidelines and Recommendations to help you know what to post.

Post consistently.

While everyone wants to create that one post that everyone loves, creating a company culture online is about consistency.

Consistency with your online presence allows for there to be an open dialogue between your company, your employees and your customers.

Having a regular Facebook post builds trust with your followers making it easier for them to comment and engage with you as they know they will be given ample opportunity to do so.

Tell positive work stories on your social media.

You can do this by designating a Facebook guru at your work to manage your social media site.

Employees could note exciting/funny or just interesting stories that they want to share and give them to the Facebook guru to sort through.

Share photos of your workplace and tag the people in them.

Everyone goes home and shares stories about their day so why not have some photos of them as well.

People are more likely to interact with a post on your Facebook if they were directly involved in it. Questions along with pictures encourage your staff to answer queries themselves in the comments section.

Have Fun!

Creating an online company culture is supposed to be both professional and fun. It is about showcasing the quality work that you achieve while also showing that there is a human side to your business that potential clients can relate to.

At first the idea of working together online will be a foreign concept and therefore to get your employees involved may take a bit of persuasion on your part. This could be done in the form of a completion of some kind e.g. staff could take photos of the work they have been doing during the week and submit their photo to your designated Facebook guru to post. The image with the most likes wins a prize of some description.

If you have instigated a company culture online we would love to know how it is going? Let us know in the comments below.

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1 Comment

  1. SwiftChat Live Chat App on October 12, 2020 at 8:41 pm

    If you do things the right way, your staff will be your biggest fans and promoters on social media.

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